六人行與梵谷 - Van Gogh in Friends

quill mark

美國電視影集《六人行》(Friends),在第五季的最後一集 "The One in Vegas",曾經很短暫的提到梵谷

好友們要前往拉斯維加斯度假(Las Vegas),其中之一的 Rachel 說他周六早上有發表會,而另一位主角 Ross,則說他要去看梵谷畫展,他已期待快一年了。愛說笑的 Chandler 在一旁虧他是「藝術愛好者」。


Ross: Oh, but I've got tickets to the Van Gogh exhibit! I've been waiting like a year for this.
Chandler: (coughing) Art lover!
Ross: What'd you say?
Chandler: I said art lover.
Ross: Is that supposed to be an insult?
Chandler: I don't know, I'm very tired.

接下來 Ross 在家惡補梵谷的書,看到住在對面的 Rachel 脫光了衣服在跳舞,於是他以為 Rachel 是在挑逗他。

Ross and van Gogh Ross: (in his head) Oh my God! That's Rachel naked! I can't look at that! I am looking at this. (Looks back at his book.) Okay, vivid colors, expressive brush strokesUnless she wants me to be looking at that. She knows I'm home. She knows I can see her. What kind of game is she playing? I think maybe someone's lonely tonight. Oh-ho, Dr. Geller! Stop it! You're being silly! Or, am I?

-- From "Friends" 523 - The One in Vegas.

Ross 在看的那一頁,右邊全頁的梵谷肖像,應該是下面一幅「叼煙斗戴草帽的自畫像」:

↓ Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat, Arles, 1888, F 524, JH 1565
Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat

Ross 想專注於書上的說明:「鮮明的色彩,表現強烈的繪圖筆法……」但Rachel(Jennifer Aniston)的美貌加上惹火的身材,又將 Ross 的視線給吸了過去。

梵谷不愛畫年輕貌美的女子,也不認為線條完美的女性軀體特別吸引人(請見:梵谷書簡全集 -- Part 2 卷一 1873.6 - 1881.12)。這裡的 Rachel,大概就如那尊《佛里尼》(Phryne)的雕像,是我們多數人認為完美、動人的。

梵谷既認為 Phryne 不美(下右),應該也不會認為 Rachel 的美很真實(下左)。但 Ross 畢竟只是附庸風雅的梵谷迷,而不是真正的梵谷啊!他會被 Rachel 吸引過去,一點也不令人意外。

Jennifer Aniston Phryne

在審美觀方面,我想我的品味是比較 Ross,而不梵谷的。

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