
星期日, 5月 30, 2010

世博會的荷蘭館與南京友誼公園 - Happy Street & Friendship Park



Nuenen with van Gogh at World Expo 2010 in Shanghai and in "Friendship Park Eindhoven" in Nanjing.


Nuenen and Van Gogh at the World Expo in Shanghai

The World Expo 2010 is being held in Shanghai from 1 May to 31 October. The World Expo, which dates back to 1851, can be seen from its economic and cultural impact as being one of the most important events in the world. This year a total of 192 countries and 50 international organisations are taking part and it is expected that the World Expo will attract about 70 million public and business visitors.

The Dutch pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai goes under the joyful name of Happy Street. This street contains several small houses in which Dutch companies and institutions demonstrate those areas in which they are world-renowned. Nuenen will demonstrate why it has every right to call itself a Van Gogh Village. Vincent van Gogh is universally considered to be one of history's most important artists. His work had an enormous influence on 19th and 20th century art. This Van Gogh house gives an impression of Vincent van Gogh's painting technique and shows an animation of the creation of his famous painting 'The Potato Eaters' which he painted in Nuenen.

The 'Potato Eaters' in Eindhoven's Friendship Park in Nanjing

The City of Eindhoven has for 20 years had a twinning arrangement with the city of Nanjing (5 million inhabitants). To celebrate this, a Friendship Park is currently being constructed in Nanjing. This park is a gift from Eindhoven to Nanjing. The Friendship Park will comprise a Brabant garden containing a number of characteristic Brabant buildings. It has been decided to include a traditional farmhouse with outbuildings and a chapel, a water mill and a windmill. The buildings are replicas of buildings in Nuenen which were committed to canvas by Vincent van Gogh. The windmill is the biggest in China and the water mill is the first of its kind to be built in China. In one of these buildings, which will serve as a meeting place for the Dutch and Chinese business communities, a permanent exhibition will be installed based on the new Van Gogh Centre Vincentre in Nuenen.


2010 上海世界博覽會的「努能與梵谷」和南京的「愛因霍芬友誼公園」


二○一○年世界博覽會,將於五月一日起至十月三十一日止,在上海舉行。世界博覽會,最早可追溯至 1851年,從經濟和文化層面的影響力來看,可說是世界上最重要的活動了。今年總共有一百九十二個國家,和五十個國際組織參與世博會,據估計將可吸引七千萬名一般與商業訪客的蒞臨。




