這還是一篇測試文。因為之前所安裝的 Open Live Writer 一直無法順利上傳,故就一直放著。前幾天發現又有更新,於是就更新了。版本號,看起來還是和上次一樣(,這一次,發布者的說明是:
Switch Default Blog endpoints to SSL
Modified the blog providers set up examples to default to SSL inline with current best practice.
另外,在上一次更新之後,我在日前查 Windows 10 本身的防毒程式 Windows Defender 時,發現到一則關於 Open Live Writer 的警告,由於我「開啟專注輔助」,這種「通知」我是不怎麼特別去查看細節的。總之,就是 Windows Defender 檔掉了 Open Live Writer 寫入到特定資料夾的要求,於是可能才會造成上傳的問題。
現在,重設之後再加上更新,如果上傳成功,表示現在我又可以用 Open Live Writer 來寫網誌了。
重點是要能貼圖。所以就把今天從 Galaxy Tarot 這個 App 所占卜的內容貼上來。
下面這張擷圖是從手機透過藍牙傳到 PC,再試著看能不能順利上傳到網誌上。
我抽單張牌,抽到的是「五角星騎士」 (Knight of Pentacles) ——或稱為「錢幣騎士」(Knight of Coins)。
Wiki 對這張牌的解釋:
A Knight is generally considered the appropriate card for a teenager or young adult, most often a teenaged boy or young man. Coins are considered the "darkest" of the suits in terms of choosing based on appearance and are meant to represent dark-skinned, dark-haired people. Using this method, a Knight of Coins would be used to represent a young man who is dark of complexion and features.
One may also choose based on the meaning of the card, and how that meaning lines up with personality. So, in the case of the Knight of Coins, the card might represent someone who is stubborn or hard-working, serious, or set in their ways. One might also use this card when someone is grappling with a question where one of those issues is coming up—when they have a question about work or home life, or a question about whether to stand their ground on an issue.
在《78 度的智慧》一書中,作者Rachel Pollack 對這張牌的解釋為:
上傳仍是失敗。短期內不想再試了,既然已經寫好了,就把圖上傳到 cornpic,再上傳一次。