
星期六, 6月 05, 2010

羅蘭之歌 - La Chanson de Roland - 兵器譜 Part I

La Chanson de Roland 上次有網友留言,提到了《羅蘭之歌》("La Chanson de Roland")。



我從一個網頁找到了關於《羅蘭之歌》中主要人物的兵器、座騎等資料,姑且稱之為「兵器譜」吧。該網頁請見:La Chanson de Roland Items



(註:名字後方的 [F],表示為現代法文;[AF] 則表示 Anglo-French。)

1. 加納隆伯爵 Count Ganelon; Ganelon [F]; GUENES, GUENELUN [AF]


劈石劍 Murgleis, Murgles, Murgleys Murgleis [F], MURGLIES [AF].


赤花馬 Tachebrun [E, F, AF]


Count Ganelon


            Spurs of fine gold he fastens on his feet, 腳套金馬刺
            And to his side Murgles his sword of steel. 腰繫劈石劍
            On Tachebrun, his charger, next he leaps, 跨上赤花馬

關於劍柄為金製… (35:465)

[These he throws down,] ..
But not his sword, he'll not leave hold of it, 但是那把寶劍決不放手:
In his right hand he grasps the golden hilt. 他右手緊緊抓住金柄


Then answered Guene: "So be it, as you say." 加納隆回答:「一切聽大王的吩咐!」
On the relics, are in his sword Murgles, 他以裝飾劈石劍的聖物起誓,
Treason he's sworn, forsworn his faith away. 幹下那大逆不道的事。


2. 羅蘭 Roland; Roland [F]; ROLL, ROLLANT [AF]

他的頭銜伯爵(165 行)或侯爵(630 行)兩者皆可,他乃是查理曼Charlemagne)的姪子,且為十二太保(paladin, or twelve peers,十二勇士、鐵衛、聖騎士)裡戰功最顯耀的一個。《羅蘭之歌》裡的這個悲劇英雄,是以歷史人物 Hruodlandus [L.]為本發展出來的——他領導一隻布列塔尼的軍隊 Brittany (=Bretagne [F]),歷史記載他於庇里牛斯山的山谷遭逢加斯科涅人 "Wascones" (the Basques or Gascones) 的攻擊而死。

註:羅蘭在這首以 Anglo-Norma 文寫成的詩中,又時也被稱為「羅爾 Roll」,應該和傳說中的諾曼第的維京創建者「羅洛 Rollo」有關。. (cf. Wace's Roman de Rou)



朵蘭劍 Durendal, Durandal; Durendal [F, AF]

是天使造訪查理曼時,指示他賜給羅蘭的(2316 行)。本劍第一次被提及是在 75:926。它的金柄內鑲有四件聖物,分別是:一、使徒彼得之齒;二、聖巴齊爾之血;三、聖德尼之髮;四、聖母瑪利亞衣服的布片(2345行)。此劍名的含義並不確定。

註一、關於劍名含義有好幾種說法。其中之一,來自於古法文 durendart ( = halberd,戟)。後略。
註二、其義大利文版稱為 Durandan (Durindana),可解釋為剛硬的 "inflexible" (see Brewer's Dictionary, List of Swords)。

威昂 Veillantif; Veillantif [F], VEILLANTIF [AF]

羅蘭的快馬(在 91:1153 首次被提及)。有種說法,該名是由兩個都是「年老」的字組合而成。

註:在義文版裡,羅蘭被稱為奧蘭多,而他的馬則為 Vegliantino ——據說是「機警小子」之意。(little vigilant one) (see Brewer's Dict., List of Horses)

坳里風 Roland's horn (oliphant), oliphant (de Roland) [F], OLIFANT (DE ROLL) [AF]


號角在羅蘭用以充當武器時毀損 (171:2295),但毀損的號角被查理曼修復並帶到聖索蘭教堂(St. Severin Church [E.] église de Saint-Seurin [F] Severinus[L.] in Bordeaux),放置於祭壇上 (268:3684)。

Roland and Oliphant


          Answers Rollanz: "A fool I should be found; 羅蘭回答:「那真是愚不可及!
          In France the Douce would perish my renown. 我會在富饒的法蘭西丟盡臉面
1055   With Durendal I'll lay on thick and stout, 待我用朵蘭劍左右橫掃
          In blood the blade, to its golden hilt, I'll drown. 讓劍刃上沾滿鮮血

羅蘭以朵蘭劍擊石,劍刃卻彈開的地點… 169:2267-


          In Moriane was Charles, in the vale, 當查理在莫里埃納山谷時,
          When from heaven God by His angel bade 上帝通過天使在空中向他宣布:
2320   Him give thee to a count and capitain; 把劍贈給一位伯爵統帥。
          Girt thee on me that noble King and great. 高貴偉大的國王讓我佩帶。


2345  Relics enough thy golden hilt conceals: 你的金球柄裡都是聖物
         Saint Peter's Tooth, the Blood of Saint Basile, 聖彼得的一枚牙齒,聖巴齊爾的血
         Some of the Hairs of my Lord, Saint Denise, 聖德尼的頭髮
         Some of the Robe, was worn by Saint Mary. 聖馬利亞的衣服


To Spanish pass is Rollanz now going 羅蘭騎著他的駿馬
On Veillantif, his good steed, galloping; 走入西班牙峽谷
He is well armed, pride is in his bearing, 他帶的武器非常順手


          Took the olifant, that he would not let go, 他舉起他抓住不放的坳里風,
          Struck him on th' helm, that jewelled was with gold, 打到他的鑲金寶盔上
          And broke its steel, his skull and all his bones, 砸碎了鋼盔、腦殼和頭骨
2290   Out of his head both the two eyes he drove; 把兩只眼睛也打出了眼眶
         : :
2295   But my great one, my olifant I broke; 我的坳里風也砸壞了一塊
          Fallen from it the crystal and the gold." 水晶和金子都掉了下來
         Above the altar, to Saint Sevrin endowed, 在高貴的聖索蘭祭台上
         Stands the olifant, with golden pieces bound; 放好盛滿金銀財寶的坳里風

3. 大主教杜平 Archbishop Turpin, Archévêque Turpin [F]; ARCEVESQUE TURPIN [AF]

蘭斯(Reims)大主教杜平剛開始時是揮舞他的長矛 (96:1248) ,但後來拔出他名為「亞母殺」的劍戰鬥。


亞母殺 Almace, Almace [F], ALMACE [AF]

大主教杜平的佩劍,由褐色精鋼所製 (usually construed as "burnished steel")在劍名首次出現之時 (156:2089),杜平已經用過四支矛,且已經身受重傷,但他仍面對著數量上有壓倒性優勢的敵人,並展現了揮擊上千次的驚人偉業。

Glossary: brown steel ——亞母殺的劍刃被描述為是「褐色精鋼」所煉(brown steel =ACER BRUN),在羅蘭之歌裡此類描述一再出現。在現代法語裡面是為 acier bruni,意為「光潔的鋼」(burnished steel)。

英文也是一樣,中古時代的語詞 "brown steel" 是表示 "burnished steel"(牛津英文字典:brown 4. In reference to the sword, steel, etc., it seems to have meant: Burnished, glistening. Obs.. [With the sense of MDu. brun 'shining'  (Kalkar) and F. brunir to BURNISH.] )


查過各種字典,最接近 almace 的英文字是 "alms" (=aumône [F.])。以下引述牛津字典,當可看出該字字源:[..OE aelmysse ON almusa OFris ielmisse OHG alamuosan MHG almuosen .. from common OTeut *alemosna or *alemosina a. Vulg. Lat. *alimosina , LL eleemosyna, Gk ἐλεημοσύνη "compassionateness, mercy".](憐憫,慈悲),對我而言,這足以假定 "Almace" 真正的意義。「慈悲」(Mercy)令人想起英國加冕時的三把王劍,其中之一就是「慈悲之劍」( Sword of Mercy) (* note that the English Sword of Mercy is sometimes equated with Courtain, the curtailed sword owned by Ogier the Dane.)

法杖 cross/crosier; crosse [F]; CROCE [AF]

This is the crooked pastoral staff borne by the bishop, tipped with a coiled staff-head ornament. It is modeled after a shepherd's staff.
In the English translation, it is actually rendered as "cross" which when you look up the dictionary, could mean either a crucifix or a cruxiform staff (such as those carried by the Crusades). This opens up another possibility that it may have been a cross-shaped standard or banner. From the context, it is not certain whether this the archbishop has physically brought with him to the battlefield (since he holds a spear/lance, the cross would have to be either propped on his horse or carried by a minion) or the crosier was merely mentioned allegorically.

關於亞母殺劍 (156:2089-)

         He's drawn Almace, whose steel was brown and rough, 他拔出赤色的亞母殺劍
2090  Through the great press a thousand blows he's struck: 在亂軍中揮舞何止千下

與阿比姆的對戰 127:1658-(114:1497)

         That Archbishop spurs on by vassalage, 大主教用力蹬馬刺
         He will not pause ere Abisme he assail; 進攻阿比姆勢不可擋
1660  So strikes that shield, is wonderfully arrayed, 他朝酋長的那塊盾牌衝去
         Whereon are stones, amethyst and topaze, 這塊盾牌綴滿紫晶、黃玉、紅寶石
         Esterminals and carbuncles that blaze; 瑪瑙和金鋼鑽,光芒四射
         A devil's gift it was, in Val Metase, 梅達山上一個魔鬼委托加拉夫酋長
         Who handed it to the admiral Galafes; 把盾牌轉交給他
1665  So Turpin strikes, spares him not anyway; 杜平手下毫不留情
         After that blow, he's worth no penny wage; 經他一砍,我相信盾牌再也不值一分錢
         The carcass he's sliced, rib from rib away, 他把撒拉遜人捅了個窟窿
         So flings him down dead in an empty place. 落下馬背死在荒地上

關於法杖 127:1558-(114:1508)

         Then say the Franks: "He has great vassalage, 法蘭西人說:多麼英勇的藩臣啊!
1670  With the Archbishop, surely the Cross is safe."  有了大主教,軍威決不會受損

4. 奧里維 Oliver, Olivier [F], OLIVER [AF]

他的妹妹奧德(Aude, Aude [F], ALDE [AF])是羅蘭的未婚妻。如果說羅蘭是個勇敢的軍事將領,那奧里維則是謹慎而聰明的。


註:根據 chanson de geste Girart de Vienne,奧里維是基拉爾 (Girartor Gerard of Vienne) 的姪子。"Vienne" 在此很明顯並非奧地利的維也納,而是隆河河岸邊的維那村,在里昂正南方約二十八公里。同時,奧里維這個舅舅並不是在羅蘭之歌中「十二太保」之一的基拉爾 Gerard/Girart de Rousillon (GERART DE ROSSILLON[AF])( 65:797)。

長白劍 Hauteclaire, Haute-Claire [F], HALTECLERE [AF]

奧里維的劍。劍柄為黃金製成,劍柄末有個水晶製的球柄。劍刃仍是「褐色精鋼」所鑄。劍名之意為「高尚而純潔」"High and Pure"


註:羅蘭之歌中沒有註明奧里維的馬叫什麼名字。在後來的作品 Charles the Grete 中,奧里維擁有一匹叫 Ferraunt Despaygne or Feraunt of Spayne [Ferrant D'Espagne [F]] 的馬,其意為「來自西班牙的鐵灰色馬」。

關於長白劍 Hauteclaire the sword (107:1363-)

     (")Where is your sword, that Halteclere I knew? 你的長白劍哪裡去了?
         Golden its hilt, whereon a crystal grew." 金子做的柄,水晶做的球飾
         Oliver feels that he to die is bound, 奧里維覺得自己受了致命傷
         Holds Halteclere, whose steel is rough and brown, 他提起鋼刃發赤的長白劍
         Strikes the alcaliph on his helm's golden mount; 揮向馬爾加尼斯的尖頂金盔
1955  Flowers and stones fall clattering to the ground, 打下了上面的花飾和水晶石

Part II:羅蘭之歌 - La Chanson de Roland - 兵器譜 Part II

