
星期日, 6月 06, 2010

羅蘭之歌 - La Chanson de Roland - 兵器譜 Part II

繼續看史詩《羅蘭之歌》中,著名人物的兵器譜。加納隆(Ganelon)、羅蘭Roland)、奧里維(Oliver)和大主教杜平(Archbishop Turpin)等人,請見 Part I:羅蘭之歌 - La Chanson de Roland - 兵器譜 Part I

5. 查理曼 Charlemagne, Charles [F], CARLES [AF]



神助劍 Joyeuse, Joyeuse [F], JOIUSE [AF]

查理曼的佩劍(首次出現在 2501行)。黃金劍柄上端有著被稱為 "Spear of Longinus" 的矛,那是當耶穌在十字架上被刺過的矛(因此矛上浸有寶血),這就是為何此劍名為 "joyous" (2509 行)。同時,法軍的戰呼 "Monjoie!" (意為 "my joy") 也源於此。(2510行)


丹雙渡 Tencendor, Tencendor [F], TENCENDUR [AF]

查理曼的座騎 (首度提及、如何得到:第 2993 行)。其意不明?

紀龍德盾 Shield of Girunde, ESCUT DE BITERNE [AF](皮丹納?)

查理曼掛在胸前的盾牌。(2991 行)文中說此盾是在皮丹納 "Biterne" 所製造。


查理曼的劍和聖物 (184:2498-)

         That Emperour is lying in a mead; 皇帝躺在一塊草坪上
         By's head, so brave, he's placed his mighty spear; 頭邊放了那根大長矛 
         On such a night unarmed he will not be. 這一夜他不願解除武裝 
         He's donned his white hauberk, with broidery, 身穿銀色紅邊鎧甲
2500  Has laced his helm, jewelled with golden beads, 頭繫鑲金寶玉盔 
         Girt on Joiuse, there never was its peer, 佩帶蓋世無雙的神助劍 
         Whereon each day thirty fresh hues appear. 一日之間色彩變幻三十回 
         All of us know that lance, and well may speak 我們知道基督在十字架上 
         Whereby Our Lord was wounded on the Tree: 被長矛扎傷
2505  Charles, by God's grace, possessed its point of steel! 上帝把這支矛頭恩賜給查理 
         His golden hilt he enshrined it underneath. 查理叫人鑲配在金柄上 
         By that honour and by that sanctity 感謝這份恩寵榮耀 
         The name Joiuse was for that sword decreed. 這支劍取名為「神助」 
         Barons of France may not forgetful be 法國大臣們不會忘記
2510  Whence comes the ensign "Monjoie," they cry at need; 因為他們的戰鬥口號就是"我有神助"
         Wherefore no race against them can succeed. 這說明他們能夠所向無敵


          First before all was armed that Emperour, 皇帝第一個披掛戎裝 
          Nimbly enough his iron sark indued, 他迅速穿上鎧甲 
          Laced up his helm, girt on his sword Joiuse, 繫結頭盔,佩帶神助劍
2990   Outshone the sun that dazzling light it threw, 太陽也難掩它的光芒 
          Hung from his neck a shield, was of Girunde, 胸掛皮丹納盾牌 
          And took his spear, was fashioned at Blandune. 手握長矛揮舞幾下 
          On his good horse then mounted, Tencendur, 然後騎上丹雙渡——那是在 
          Which he had won at th'ford below Marsune 馬蘇納山下殺死了納爾邦的馬帕蘭
2995   When he flung dead Malpalin of Nerbune, 蹚水到河裡才馴服的一匹寶馬 
          Let go the reins, spurred him with either foot; 他放開韁蠅,連蹬馬刺 
          Five score thousand behind him as he flew, 在十萬將士眼前疾馳而過 
          Calling on God and the Apostle of Roum. 他向上帝和羅馬的聖徒求助

6. 法軍戰旗 The French War-Banner

神助 Monjoie, Monjoie [F], MUNJOIE [AF]

查理曼的戰旗(The war-banner or oriflamme [E, F], ORIEFLAMBE [AF])名為「神助」(3095 行),這也是法軍的戰呼。掌旗手是安茹的喬弗瓦(GEFREID D'ANJOU [AF], namely Geofroi d'Anjou [F] or Geoffrey of Anjou)。




          ..With them goes Charlemagne.… 查理曼和他們一起 
          Gefreid d'Anjou carries that oriflamme; 安茹的喬弗瓦手持大王旗 
          Saint Peter's twas, and bare the name Roman, 這是聖彼得的遺物,從前叫「羅馬」旗
3095   But on that day Monjoie, by change, it gat. 今改名為「神助」

7. 馬西勒 Marsile, Marsilies Marsil, Marsilion [F], MARSILIE, MARSILIUN [AF]



金羽標槍 dart with golden feathers gay, ALGIER (KI D OR FUT ENPENET) [AF]

他於盛怒之下差一點就投向加納隆的標槍 (439 行)。

蓋龍 Gaignon, Gaignon[F], GAIGNUN[AF]

馬西勒的座騎(首度提及:143:1890)。意為「看門狗」"domestic dog, guard dog, watchdog"


          King Marsilies was very sore afraid, 馬西勒國王聽了大驚 
          Snatching a dart, with golden feathers gay, 他手執一根金羽標槍
440     He made to strike: they turned aside his aim. 要向他刺去,但被左右的人勸住


          Ready they make hauberks Sarrazinese, 異教徒穿上撒拉遜鎧甲
995    That folded are, the greater part, in three; 多數是裡外三層 
          And they lace on good helms Sarragucese; 他們戴上堅固的薩拉戈薩頭盔 
          Gird on their swords of tried steel Viennese; 佩帶維也納鋼製的寶劍 
          Fine shields they have, and spears Valentinese, 手執美麗的盾牌、瓦朗斯長矛 
          And white, blue, red, their ensigns take the breeze, 還有白色、藍色和朱紅色的軍旗

8. 巴利岡 Baligant, Baligan [F], BALIGANT [AF]

巴比倫尼亞(=開羅)大公(Amir/Admiral of Babylonia [=Cairo])。感覺上他乃是伊斯蘭的最高統治者。他應馬西勒國王(Marsile)的請求而參戰。


天寶 Precieuse, Precieuse [F], PRCIEUSE, PRECIUSE[ AF]

巴利岡的劍(首度提及可能在缺行的 229:3146)。在聽到查理著名的神助劍後,巴利岡東施效顰地把自己的劍取名為天寶。他的劍名帶出了撒拉遜的戰呼「天寶」"Precieuse!"。其意為珍寶 "precious"。

誅爾戟 Maltet, Maltet [F, AF]

巴利岡的矛(首度提及:229:3152)。矛非常粗,矛尖重到可以承載一隻騾。其意不明。(It is so stout, its spearpoint is heavy enough to burden a mule. Meaning uncertain. )

棕馬brown horse [E], destrier brun [F], DESTRER BRUN [AF]

巴利岡的棕花戰馬 (202:2816)。其名未被提及,但既然它負著粗矛「誅爾戟」,還能跳過五十呎的溝壕,此馬必定不凡。(*2292:3152-4, 3265-7).

3145  Like to Carlun's, as he has heard it said, 他聽說查理的劍名 
         So Preciuse he bad his own be clept; 也給自己的劍起個顯赫的名號 (這名號叫「天寶」) 
         Twas their ensign when they to battle went, 這也成了他的戰鬥口號 
         His chevaliers'; he gave that cry to them. 要他的將士在陣前高呼
3150  His own broad shield he hangs upon his neck, 他把寬闊的盾牌繫在頸前 
         (Round its gold boss a band of crystal went, (金盾環四邊鑲有水晶 
         The strap of it was a good silken web;) 綁帶用繡玫瑰的絲條做成 ;)
         He grasps his spear, the which he calls Maltet; --他手執的長矛叫誅爾戟 
         So great its shaft as is a stout cudgel, 矛杆粗若一把大錘 
         Beneath its steel alone, a mule had bent; 要用騾子馱著才能搬動
3155  On his charger is Baligant mounted, 巴利岡跨上戰馬


         Their admiral, by whom they all were ruled, 埃米爾把他們全都送上了大路 
         Called up to him Gemalfin, whom he knew: 再召來心腹之臣吉馬爾凡 
         "I give command of all my hosts to you." 「我命令你統率全軍人馬」 
         On a brown horse mounted, as he was used, 然後他騎上他的棕色戰馬

Charlemagne slaying Baligant

4 則留言:

  1. 你好,偶然看到您的文章。

  2. 很想認識您,如果您不介意請加我即時通:

  3. 您好,我在文章的 Part I 上有說,裡面的資料是取自某外文網頁:Items from The Song of Roland,我只是整理、翻譯,並找出中譯的詩句而已——這點我不敢居功。

  4. 謝謝您的回應~
