為女兒祈禱 - A Preyer for My Daughter

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在 BBS 的 CSI 板閒逛,看到有人問到關於 Lady Heather 和 Grissom 曾引用的英文詩句。我想到,我在初看這一集的時候,就曾經上網找過這首詩:那是 葉慈W.B. Yeats)的 "Preyer for My Daughter"。幾年過去,已忘了存在電腦的哪個資料夾裡了。

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A Preyer for My Daugher

W. B. Yeats


葉慈 作 / 王道余 譯
Once more the storm is howling, and half hid 風暴又開始怒號,半掩於
Under this cradle-hood and coverlid 搖籃罩下、小被子裡,
My child sleeps on. There is no obstacle 我的孩子在安睡。僅憑一片
But Gregory's wood and one bare hill 顧家(1)樹林、一座禿山,
Whereby the haystack- and roof-levelling wind, 怎能將起於大洋、彷彿能
Bred on the Atlantic, can be stayed; 掀翻草垛和屋頂的風阻止。
And for an hour I have walked and prayed 我邊走邊禱已一個小時
Because of the great gloom that is in my mind. 因為我心中藏著巨大的憂悶。
I have walked and prayed for this young child an hour 我為幼女一個小時邊走邊禱,
And heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower, 聽著海風在那塔頂咆哮,
And under the arches of the bridge, and scream 咆哮在橋洞下、以及暴漲
In the elms above the flooded stream; 小溪邊的榆樹林上;
Imagining in excited reverie 我盤算,如在激動的夢夜,
That the future years had come, 彷彿未來歲月已來到,
Dancing to a frenzied drum, 合著狂躁的鼓點舞蹈,
Out of the murderous innocence of the sea. 出自大海凶悍的無邪。
May she be granted beauty and yet not 願她能獲賜美貌,卻千萬
Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught, 別美貌到令路人眼神迷亂,
Or hers before a looking-glass, for such, 甚至自己也迷亂在鏡前,
Being made beautiful overmuch, 當美得這樣超過了界限,
Consider beauty a sufficient end, 會把美當成自足的終點,
Lose natural kindness and maybe 會失去天然的良善、
The heart-revealing intimacy 推心置腹的親近感,
That chooses right, and never find a friend. 不能正確選擇,從而永無友伴。
Helen being chosen found life flat and dull 海倫中選,生活無聊寡淡,
And later had much trouble from a fool, 後來與一個笨蛋多糾纏,(2)
While that great Queen, that rose out of the spray, 偉大的女王,泡沫中升出,
Being fatherless could have her way 無父無母本可自主,
Yet chose a bandy-leggd smith for man. 卻找了瘸腿的鐵匠為夫。(3)
It's certain that fine women eat 可以斷言,精緻女人
A crazy salad with their meat 吃著沙拉就肉古怪絕倫,
Whereby the Horn of Plenty is undone. 生生將這豐饒之角玷辱。(4)
In courtesy I'd have her chiefly learned; 我要讓她重點精通禮儀:
Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned 對於不是那麼美麗的女子,
By those that are not entirely beautiful; 本無人傾心全靠去贏取;
Yet many, that have played the fool 但許多人,曾經一度扮愚,
For beauty's very self, has charm made wise, 專求美麗,已獲魅力而變明智。
And many a poor man that has roved, 有許多可憐漢曾經徘徊、
Loved and thought himself beloved, 愛過別人、也自認被愛,
From a glad kindness cannot take his eyes. 眼光已經無法離開欣悅的善意。
May she become a flourishing hidden tree 願她成為隱秘大樹枝繁葉茂
That all her thoughts may like the linnet be, 願她的思緒都如脆鳴的雀鳥,
And have no business but dispensing round 心無旁騖只是向四方傳揚
Their magnanimities of sound, 她們那飽滿而洪亮的聲響,
Nor but in merriment begin a chase, 總是歡快地相互追逐,
Nor but in merriment a quarrel. 總是歡快地爭吵不讓。
O may she live like some green laurel 啊,原她活得像綠色的月桂一樣
Rooted in one dear perpetual place. 在一個珍愛的地方扎根永駐。
My mind, because the minds that I have loved, 我的心思,由於我喜愛過的心思
The sort of beauty that I have approved, 以及我贊成的那種美麗,
Prosper but little, has dried up of late, 幾無成長,近來已經乾枯,
Yet knows that to be choked with hate 但是它知道如果被仇恨嗆住,
May well be of all evil chances chief. 可算是最大的厄運籠罩。
If there's no hatred in a mind 如果心思裡沒有仇恨,
Assault and battery of the wind 哪怕狂風撕扯拍撲狠,
Can never tear the linnet from the leaf. 也不能從葉中擄走雀鳥。
An intellectual hatred is the worst, 理智冷靜的仇恨最為可歎,
So let her think opinions are accursed. 所以讓她相信固執遭天譴。
Have I not seen the loveliest woman born 我何嘗沒見過那最美女人(5)
Out of the mouth of Plenty's horn, 她從豐饒之角的出口誕生,
Because of her opinionated mind 由於她冥頑不化的思想,
Barter that horn and every good 她用那只角以及平和自然
By quiet natures understood 理解中的諸般美好物件
For an old bellows full of angry wind? 換取充滿怨怒的舊風箱?
Considering that, all hatred driven hence, 考慮至此,若將眾怒逐滅,
The soul recovers radical innocence 心靈恢復極端的無邪,
And learns at last that it is self-delighting, 最終認識到它能自喜,
Self-appeasing, self-affrighting, 自寧自靜、自驚自懼,
And that its own sweet will is Heaven's will; 自身的良願即天國之願;
She can, though every face should scowl 哪怕每一張臉愁容慘淡,
And every windy quarter howl 每一片地方都陰風連連,
Or every bellows burst, be happy still. 每一隻風箱爆炸,她也能開顏。
And may her bridegroom bring her to a house 願她的新郎帶她到一處房子,
Where all's accustomed, ceremonious; 那裡一切都中規中矩、行禮如儀
For arrogance and hatred are the wares 傲慢和仇恨這些東西,
Peddled in the thoroughfares. 只能兜售叫賣在通衢。
How but in custom and in ceremony 若非在規矩和儀式裡面,
Are innocence and beauty born? 無邪和美麗又何以誕生?
Ceremony's a name for the rich horn, 儀式是富饒羊角的別名,
And custom for the spreading laurel tree. 規矩是延展的月桂樹冠。
June 1919 一九一九年六月



  1. 原文是 Gregory's,戲譯為姓顧一家的。
  2. 海倫 Helen 即特洛伊的海倫,是斯巴達國王的女兒,成年後求婚者無數,她選擇阿伽門農 Agamemnon 的弟弟墨涅勞斯 Menelaus 為夫。後來帕里斯 Paris 因覬覦其美貌,將她擄掠到了特洛伊,引發一場混戰:帕里斯戰死,海倫從其弟。後來就是木馬屠城,海倫跟墨涅勞斯回到斯巴達,無驚無險地幸福生活到墨涅勞斯去世。
  3. 希臘神話中的愛神和美神阿佛洛狄特 Aphrodite 相傳從海上泡沫裡誕生,被指派給火神與匠神赫斐斯托斯 Haphaestus 為妻。赫斐斯托斯是諸神的鐵匠,技藝非凡,但相貌最醜,還瘸了一條腿。
  4. 豐饒之角 Cornucopia 或 Horn of Plenty 又稱阿瑪爾忒亞 Amalthaea 之角。阿瑪爾忒亞是哺育希臘神話眾神之王宙斯的母山羊。為了報答她,宙斯後來讓她的一隻角具有魔力,永遠裝滿食品和飲料。繪畫作品中常為盛滿鮮花和水果的羊角,建築作品中由幸運之神堤喀 Tyche 持有。這只角被看作是無窮無盡的財富和豐饒的象徵,也是女性生殖力的象徵。
  5. 指詩人心愛的女人茉德‧岡。

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