第22條軍規 Catch-22 的時間關係

quill mark

以下是由研究 Catch-22 的學者,所整理出的事件表和 Timeline。我是在自己整理完之後一年多,才在 Wiki百科 上找到這些資料。我一邊看,一邊翻譯的成果:

Timeline in “Catch-22"

by CS Bruhans Jr

  • 1943, Yossarian sent overseas, Splendid Atabrine Insurrection(約瑟連被派遣出國,瘧滌平叛亂)
  •  September 1943, required number of missions for tour of duty is 25, Colonel Nevers dies on Arezzo mission(規定任務數為 25,內弗斯上校於阿雷佐任務陣亡)
  •  September 1943, arrival of Colonel Cathcart, required missions raised to 30(上校卡斯卡特到任,規定任務數提高至 30)
  •  April 1944, setup of M & M Enterprises by Milo, death of Mudd on Orvieto mission(米洛設立 M & M 企業,馬德於奧爾維耶托任務中陣亡)
  •  May 1944, required missions raised to 35(任務數升至 35)
  •  May 1944, death of Kraft and Coombs on Ferrara mission, first poisoning of mess(克拉夫特與庫姆斯死於費拉拉任務,第一次集體中毒事件)
  • B-25J Heavenly Body   May 1944, bombing of squadron by Milo(米洛轟炸中隊駐地)
  •  May 1944, Great Big Siege of Bologna, second poisoning of mess, required missions raised to 40(波隆納大圍困,第二次集體中毒,任務數提高至 40)
  •  June 1944, fall of Rome(羅馬光復)
  •  June 1944, first Avignon mission, death of Snowden(第一次亞威農任務,史諾登陣亡)
  •  June 1944, Yossarian naked at Snowden’s funeral and medal for bravery on Ferrara mission(約瑟連在史諾登葬禮上裸體,受頒費拉拉之役的勇氣勳章)
  •  June 1944, Clevinger disappears in cloud(克萊文杰雲中消失)
  •  July 1944, required missions raised to 45, Yossarian admitted to hospital (Beginning of book)(任務數提高至 45,約瑟連住院,書剛開始)
  •  July 1944, Yossarian leaves hospital, required missions raised to 50(約瑟連出院,任務數提高至 50)
  •  August 1944, missions raised to 55(任務數至 55)
  •  August 1944, Yossarian tries to punch Colonel Cathcart in officer’s club(約瑟連於軍官俱樂部試著毆打卡斯卡特)
  •  August 1944, fall of Paris, missions raised to 60(巴黎光復,任務數升至 60)
  •  September 1944, Yossarian wounded over Leghorn(約瑟連大腿受傷)
  •  September 1944, second Avignon mission(第二次亞威農任務)
  • September 1944, Bologna mission, Orr shot down and disappears(波隆納任務,奧爾被擊落,失蹤)
  •  September 1944, Scheisskopf joins General Peckem’s command(謝司科普夫至佩克姆將軍麾下就任)
  •  September 1944, raid on small Italian village, dissent by Dunbar(轟炸義大利小村莊,鄧巴不爽)
  •  September 1944, death of Kid Sampson and McWatt, missions raised to 65(基德.薩普森和麥克沃特死亡,任務數提高至 65)
  •  October 1944, missions raised to 70(任務數提高至 70)
  •  October 1944, Yossarian’s new roommates(約瑟連有了新室友)
  •  November 1944, Yossarian breaks Nately’s nose on Thanksgiving Day, Dunbar is "disappeared"(約瑟連於感恩節打斷奈特利鼻樑,鄧巴「失蹤」)
  •  November 1944, Chief White Halfoat dies(一級准尉懷特.哈爾福特死亡)
  •  December 1944, missions raised to 80, Dobbs and Nately killed on La Spezia mission(任務數升至 80,多布斯和奈特利於拉斯佩齊亞任務陣亡)
  •  December 1944, General Peckham becomes wing commander under General Schiesskopf(佩克姆將軍接任大隊指揮官,但受命於謝司科普夫將軍)
  •  December 1944, Yossarian with 71 missions refuses to fly any more(約瑟連任務數71,拒絕再出任務)
  •  December 1944, Yossarian knifed by Nately's Whore, Hungry Joe dies, Orr escapes to Sweden, Yossarian deserts(奈特利的妓女刺殺約瑟連,奧爾逃至瑞典,約瑟連逃亡)

↓ 被繪於 B-25J “Heavenly Body” 機身上,由 Alberto Vargas 創作的原圖。
Alberto Vargas "Heavenly Body"

更進一步搜尋,還找到更完整的Catch 22的時程關係表:

A Chronology of Catch-22

from Catch-22: Antiheroic Antinovel by Stephen W. Potts




1942 於科羅拉多 Lowery Field 接受基本訓練。發現醫院是開小差的好地方。 溫特格林被降級,挖壕溝。
1943 於 Santa Ana受預備訓練。與謝司科普夫的老婆共渡感恩節 克萊文杰接受審判。
Early 1944
25 missions
與阿普爾比,克拉夫特一同抵達 Pianosa。發生「瘧滌平叛亂」(Splendid Atabrine Insurrection) 。  

30 missions

約瑟連第 23 次任務。 內弗斯上校陣亡。卡斯卡特上校到任,提高任務次數。
March: 約瑟連過橋轟炸兩次(費拉拉)。升上尉。 克拉夫特陣亡。米洛被任命為食勤官。
35 missions
約瑟連和奧爾、米洛一同商業飛航。(米洛市長) 米洛成立國際卡爾特,買進埃及棉花。梅杰少校被任命為中隊指揮官。

布萊克上尉發起忠誠宣誓運動。米洛安排 Orvieto 交易。馬德中尉陣亡。
June 4:
Allies enter Rome
約瑟連與奈特利共赴羅馬。 奈特利戀愛了。從羅馬返回,德科弗利少校中止中誠誓運動。
Late June:


約瑟連移動轟炸路線,對全中隊下毒,毀壞通訊器。於波隆納的第 32 次任務後到羅馬,結識露西安娜。 梅杰少校開始隱遁。德科弗利少校到佛羅倫斯,失蹤。

40 missions


45 missions

任務數達 38 次,再次住院。 米洛轟炸中隊營區。

50 missions
約瑟連再度住院。已飛行 44 次任務。遇見隨軍牧師(第一章)。 克萊文杰在雲中消失。全身雪白的士兵。
Late August
卡斯卡特召隨軍牧師共商週末郵報(Saturday Evening Post)。
55 missions
於第 44 和 48 次任務,約瑟連找丹尼卡軍醫;第 51 次,去找梅杰少校。都未能達成禁飛目的。

60 missions

約瑟連大腿受傷。 Sanderson 少校探訪。與達克特護士開始談情。




65 missions
70 missions

Mid-October 約瑟連幫奈特利從一票將軍手中救出他的妓女。 奈特利的妓女愛上奈特利。
November 約瑟連於感恩節打斷奈特利的鼻子。與鄧巴一同至醫院探訪奈特利。 全身雪白的士兵回來了。鄧巴發狂,且「失蹤」。

約瑟連完成 70 次任務。  
80 missions

米洛與卡斯卡特商定,讓人頂替他飛行。奈特利自願出第 71 次任務,陣亡。佩克姆接替德里德爾。謝司科普夫掌大權。

約瑟連拒絕再出任務。不假離營至羅馬(永恆城市)。科恩中校的協定。被奈特利的妓女刺傷。決定逃亡。 隨軍牧師受審。阿費殺死女傭。奧爾抵達瑞典。






In basic training at Lowery Field, Colorado. Discovers hospital.

Wintergreen demoted, digging ditches.


Cadet training in Santa Ana. Spends Thanksgiving with Scheisskopf's wife.

Clevinger's trial

Early 1944
25 missions

Arrives in Pianosa with Appleby and Kraft. Splendid Atabrine Insurrection.


30 missions

Yossarian has 23 missions.

Col. Nevers killed. Cathcart arrives, raises number of missions.


Yossarian goes over bridge twice. Ferrara Promoted to captain.

Kraft killed. Milo appointed mess officer.

35 missions

Yossarian and Orr accompany Milo on business flight("Milo the Mayor").

Milo forms international cartel and buys Egyptian cotton crop. Major Major appointed squadron commander.



Capt. Black begins Loyalty Oath Crusade. Milo arranges Orvieto deal. Mudd's death.

June 4:
Allies enter Rome

Yossarian accompanies Nately to Rome.

Nately falls in love. Returning from Rome, Major _____ de Coverley ends Loyalty Oath Crusade.

Late June:


Yossarian moves bombline and poisons squadron, sabotages intercom. With, 32 missions after Bologna, meets Luciana in Rome.

Major Major becomes recluse. Major _____ de Coverley goes to Florence and disappears.

40 missions

Yossarian returns from Rome to hospital.


45 missions

Reaches 38 missions before entering hospital again.

Milo bombs squadron.


Yossarian moans during briefing. Snowden killed. Yossarian naked in tree during funeral. Receives medal for Ferrara.


50 missions

Yossarian in hospital again. Has44 missions. Meets chaplain (chapter 1).

Clevinger disappears inside cloud. Soldier in white.

Late August


Cathcart calls chaplain in to discuss the Saturday Evening Post.

55 missions

At 44 and 48 missions, Yossarian goes to Daneeka, and at 51 to Major Major, but neither will ground him.


60 missions

Yossarian wounded in thigh. Interviewed by Major Sanderson. Begins affair with Nurse Duckett.


Cathcart volunteers group for Bologna again. Orr vanishes.


Yossarian and Dunbar don't want to bomb Italian village. Yossarian threatens McWatt.


McWatt kills Kid Sampson then flies into mountain. Daneeka's "death."

65 missions
70 missions



Yossarian helps Nately rescue his whore from generals.

Nately's whore falls in love with him.


On Thanksgiving Yossarian breaks Nately's nose. With Dunbar, visits Nately in hospital.

Soldier in white comes back. Dunbar goes crazy and is "disappeared."


Yossarian finishes 70 missions.


80 missions


Milo arranges with Cathcart to have other men fly in his name. Nately volunteers for his 7Ist mission and dies. Peckem replaces Dreedle. Scheisskopf in charge.


Yossarian refuses to fly more missions.
Goes AWOL in Rome ("The Eternal City"). Korn's deal.
Stabbed by Nately's Whore.
Decides to desert

Chaplain's trial.

Aarfy kills maid.

Orr reaches Sweden.

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