Through The Years - Kenny Rogers

quill mark

剛在 Mobile01Nikon 版閒逛,看到有人問一則從 YouTube 上看到的 Nikon 廣告所採用的配樂。問題已經有人回答,那是 Kenny Rogers 演唱的 "Through The Years"。

YouTube 上面的 Nikon 的廣告。

這首歌,又勾起我的一點回憶。我還記得很久很久以前,家裡有一套 1982 上半年西洋排行精選的錄音帶,那時候我聽音樂的主力配備,是和老哥用壓歲錢一起合買的一台國產床頭音響,再加上購自「中華商場」,當時最流行的立體聲耳機(就是金屬骨架、橘色海綿耳罩,一個賣 60 元的那種)。晚上,我喜歡關著燈,在黑暗中靜靜聆聽第四卷 B 面的其中兩首歌,一首是 Charlene 的 "I've Never Been To Me" ,另一首就是這首 Kenny Rogers 的 "Through The Years"。

每一次,在伸手不見五指的漆黑之中,Kenny Rogers 那低沉沙啞的嗓音在耳邊響起,我混身都會冒出雞皮疙瘩。那歌聲,就好比是從心靈最深處,那無人知曉的沉寂空間所發出,如此真摰、誠懇,又帶著歲月的滄桑,低語輕訴著已積壓多年的情感……


Kenny Rogers 1986 年現場演唱版本。  

Kenny Rogers 的 "Through The Years",出自他1981年由 Lionel Richie 所製作的專輯 "Share Your Love" 中的第三首單曲,曾獲得成人抒情榜雙周冠軍,而流行榜最高名次為第13,鄉村榜則是第5名。Kenny Rogers 回憶,他曾看過報導,說這首 "Through The Years" 名列婚禮和周年慶等場合中,最受歡迎的五首歌之一*(1)。而 Casey Kasem 所主持的排行榜廣播節目 American Top 40 當中,有個非常受歡迎的聽眾點播單元 "Long Distance Dedication",截至 1999 年的統計資料為止,"Through The Years" 共被點播了17次,與 Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram 合唱的 "Somewhere Out There" ,並列為點播次數最多的歌曲*(2)。

而從 Wikipedia 上的歌曲資料來看, Kenny Rogers 個人認為,"Through The Years" 是他演唱生涯的代表作。

1. Wesley Hyatt, "The Billboard Book of Number One Adult Contemporary Hits".

2. Rob Durkee, "American Top 40".


Written by Steve Dorff, M. Panzer
Sung by Kenny Rogers

Kenny Rogers - Share Your LoveI can't remember when you weren't there
When I didn't care for anyone but you
I swear we've been through everything there is
Can't imagine anything we've missed
Can't imagine anything the two of us can't do

Through the year, you've never let me down
You turned my life around, the sweetest days I've found
I've found with you ... Through the years
I've never been afraid, I've loved the life we've made
And I'm so glad I've stayed, right here with you
Through the years

I can't remember what I used to do
Who I trusted whom, I listened to before
I swear you've taught me everything I know
Can't imagine needing someone so
But through the years it seems to me
I need you more and more

Through the years, through all the good and bad
I knew how much we had, I've always been so glad
To be with you ... Through the years
It's better everyday, you've kissed my tears away
As long as it's okay, I'll stay with you
Through the years

Through the years, when everything went wrong
Together we were strong, I know that I belonged
Right here with you ... Through the years
I never had a doubt, we'd always work things out
I've learned what love's about, by loving you
Through the years

Through the years, you've never let me down
You've turned my life around, the sweetest days I've found
I've found with you ... Through the years
It's better everyday, you've kissed my tears away
As long as it's okay, I'll stay with you
Through the years!

忽然覺得,相機或以前的底片廣告,都拍得很有質感(當然,莫文蔚的廣告除外!),配樂也都用得很好。像最近 Canon 的 500D,或是 Sony 的 DSLR 廣告都很不錯。以前柯達還請過 Paul Anka 演唱 "Times of Your Life" ,後來廣告太紅,這首歌還發行了單曲,打進排行榜呢!

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