梵谷選句 - Vincent Van Gogh Quotes

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The Flaming Soul這一次歷史博物館展出的梵谷特展:「燃燒的靈魂」,在博物館官方網站上,有一些簡短的介紹資料——裡面沒有展出畫作的詳細資訊,只提供極為簡單的〈梵谷選句〉pdf 檔,供網友下載。



梵谷信件的英譯文,現今在網路上可查到的有兩種版本,一種是流傳比較廣泛的舊譯版,另一個是 2009 年才出版的新譯版。新譯版的電子化相當完備,有原文、註解等完整的資料可供查詢。


For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.


"For my own part, I declare I know nothing whatever about it. But to look at the stars always makes me dream, as simply as I dream over the black dots of a map representing towns and villages."

"For myself, I declare I don’t know anything about it. But the sight of the stars always makes me dream in as simple a way as the black spots on the map, representing towns and villages, make me dream."

這句話出自梵谷 1888 年 7 月於阿爾寫給西奧的信,這和我上次在介紹梵谷的記錄片:Vincent: The Full Story 時,最後所引用的那幾句話,是出自同一封;事實上,上次的那一段話,是接在這句話之後,現在我擷取《梵谷書簡全集》對上面原文的翻譯如下:


"Vincent : The Full Story" 記錄片中,對這封信特別有興趣,因為在這封信裡,梵谷承認他性無能。

Starry Night

In life it is the same as in drawing - one must sometimes act quickly and decisively, attack a thing with energy, trace the outlines as quickly as lightning.


"In life it is the same as in drawing - one must sometimes act quickly and decisively, attack a thing with energy, trace the outlines as quickly as lightning."

"Life is the same as drawing: sometimes one has to act quickly and resolutely, tackle things with willpower, take care that the broad outlines appear with lightning speed."

這句話的英文部分,是從舊譯文完整抄錄。出自 1882 年 5 月 13 日梵谷於海牙寫給西奧的信。同一句話,在《梵谷書簡全集》中,雨云的翻譯如下(第 176 頁):


Portrait of Vincent van Gogh Painting Sunflowers

I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.


"You are kind to painters, and I tell you, the more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people."

"You’re kind to painters, and be sure that the more I think about it the more I feel that there’s nothing more genuinely artistic than to love people."

這句話出自 1888 年 9 月 18 日的信,寄自阿爾。《梵谷書簡全集》中,我沒有找到這句話,可能是我沒仔細找,也可能是被譯者或 Irving Stone 給刪去。

Painting is a faith, and it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion.


"Only it is an established fact that Mother is unable to grasp the fact that painting is a faith, and that it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion - and that in painting one conquers by perseverance and not by making concessions - and that 'I cannot give thee the faith' - this is exactly what is the matter between her and me - as it was to Father, and remained so. Oh dear. "

"Only it’s certain that Ma simply cannot comprehend that painting is a faith and that it brings with it the duty to pay no heed to public opinion — and that in it one conquers by perseverance and not by giving in. And — 'I can't give you faith' is also the case between Her Hon. and me — just as it was and remained with Pa too."

這句話是從一段長句中,擷取其一小部分而成的。出自 1885 年 4 月 6 日給西奧的信。是時梵谷父親已經過世,而他的妹妹 Anna 希望梵谷不要再住家裡,兩人因此鬧翻。這整句話,是在說明他父親和母親,無法了解藝術家特異獨行的特質。

One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passersby see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way.


"There may be a great fire in our soul, but no one ever comes to warm himself by it, all that passers-by can see is a little smoke coming out of the chimney, and they walk on."

"Someone has a great fire in his soul and nobody ever comes to warm themselves at it, and passers-by see nothing but a little smoke at the top of the chimney and then go on their way."

此語我印象很深,出自梵谷從居斯美寄給西奧的信,時間是 1880 年 6 月。《梵谷傳》和《梵谷書簡全集》這兩本書中都有收錄。《梵谷書簡全集》雨云的譯文:

我們的靈魂裡,可能有一道大火,卻沒有人來到這火前取暖;路過的人只看到一絲煙從煙囪裡出來,然後又向前走。(第 107 頁)

《梵谷傳》是在第一章最後,西奧來到礦區解救梵谷Irving Stone 將這句話寫進兩人的對話中,是時西奧倒了一杯牛奶給梵谷。余光中的翻譯:


I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.




I want to do drawings which touch people...in figure or landscape I should wish to express, not sentimental melancholy, but serious sorrow.



"I want to make drawings that touch some people. ...What I want to express, in both figure and landscape, isn't anything sentimental or melancholy, but deep anguish."

"I want to make drawings that move some people. Sorrow is a small beginning — perhaps small landscapes like the Laan van Meerdervoort, the Rijswijk meadows and the Fish-drying barn are also small beginnings. At least they contain something straight from my own feelings.

Whether in figures or in landscapes, I would like to express not something sentimentally melancholic but deep sorrow."

這是從 1882 年 7 月於海牙寫給西奧的信中所摘出。《梵谷書簡全集》是在第 198 頁的最下方:


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