在 Irving Stone 所著的《梵谷傳》(Lust for Life)裡,有一段可能是作者杜撰的情節:當時梵谷從聖瑞米北返,暫住巴黎西奧家中。他將西奧細心幫他留下的作品仔細按期分類,選出最能把握他精神的速寫和油畫,一張一張地掛起來,然後請西奧和喬安娜上樓。
「讓我帶你們去參觀一個梵谷的畫展……」他說。「準備受一次折磨吧。」 ……
在觀賞這次台北的「燃燒的靈魂」梵谷特展時,我不斷地回想起《梵谷傳》的這段敘述。Irving Stone 所寫的原文如下:
"When I was living in Etten" said Vincent, "father once remarked that good could never grow out of bad. I replied that not only it could, but that in art it must. If you will follow me, my dear brother and sister, I will show you the story of a man who began crudely, like an awkward child, and after ten years of constant labour, arrived at... but you shall decide that for yourselves."
He led them, in the proper chronological sequence, from room to room. They stood like three visitors in an art gallery, looking at this work which was a man's life. They felt the slow, painful growth of the artist, the fumbling toward maturity of expression, the upheaval that had taken place in Paris, the passionate outburst of his powerful voice in Arles, which caught up all the strands of his years of labour... and then ... the smash... the St. Remy canvases... the crucial striving to keep up to the blaze of creation, and the falling slowly away... falling... falling... falling...
They looked at the exhibit through the eyes of casual strangers. Before them they saw, in a brief half hour, the recapitulation of one man's stay on earth.
↓ (No. 81,
16) Weaver, Interior with Three Small Windows, Oil on canvas 61.0 x 93.0 cm. Nuenen: July, 1884 F 37, JH 501