先看第一份排名。這是 Baseball American 雜誌的排名(請見:Ten Best Baseball Movies by Baseball American),應該是 2000 年左右排的,以時間上來看,似乎有點過時,不過,2000 年以後,也的確沒有什麼被各界一致讚揚的棒球電影,足以撼動這個排名吧!
Baseball America 網頁上是以倒數的方式排次,我把它由高往低重排,加上簡單翻譯如下:
1. Bull Durham (1988) - 百萬金臂
結果甚至一點也不接近。首先,《百萬金臂》對棒球的忠實描繪,無論是在場內還是場外,都遠遠地超過其他影片。本片是對棒球的非正式禮讚:這是項偉大的球賽,而且我們喜愛它,但這也只是一種遊戲(game)。凱文科斯納正值巔峰,提姆羅賓斯和蘇珊莎朗頓完美的配合。科斯納和莎朗頓的戀情也洽如其分。這全是編、導 Ron Shelton 的功勞,他在小聯盟待了五年,而且專注於把片子拍得正確。他避開運動電影常見的陳腔爛調——他拍攝科斯納接界外飛球,只因為他認為電影從來不拍例行的接殺動作,而且他創造出我們喜愛的角色,和一個我們不想離去的世界。
2. Field of Dreams (1989) - 夢幻成真
只有真正憤世嫉俗之人,才不會被這部電影感動,本片比其他任何電影,都更能掌握住棒球引人入勝的那份神秘力量,凱文科斯納和其他演出的演員,在這部改編自 W.P. Kinsella 小說 "Shoeless Joe" 的電影中,表現極為出色。每個人對其最喜愛的角色,或本片所傳達的訊息,似乎都有著不同的體會,這是一部簡單的電影,同時也美得複雜。
3. Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) - 戰鼓輕敲
這是棒球版的《布萊恩之歌》,而且還更好些。這部電影開啟了一個現代棒球電影的偉大時代,且許多人認為本片更是其中的佼佼者。本片還讓飾演明星投手的 Michael Moriarty,和飾演垂死捕手的勞伯.狄尼洛,兩人的演藝事業開始起飛。有些人更愛 Mark Harris 的原著小說(他同時也是編劇),或是批評電影中的棒球細節,但這些都只是吹毛求疵。這真的是一部感人的電影。
4. Eight Men Out (1988) - 陰謀密戰
一個以完全現代的觀點,來回顧那個單純的年代,本片並沒有美化棒球歷史,它以忠實的方式,呈現了黑襪醜聞時代。John Sayles 集編、導於一身,根據 Eliot Asinof 的著作改編,巧妙地將錯綜複雜的故事搬上了銀幕。極佳的演員陣容也幫了大忙。本片唯一欠缺的,大概只有情感的張力。
5. The Pride of the Yankees (1942) - 洋基之光
這部經典之於棒球,就如同《鋼木蘭》之於美髮。有人對賈利.古柏(飾 Gehrig)不是左撇子頗有微詞,但這並不是重點。以現今觀點視之,這是一部無可救藥的感性電影,但本片拍攝的時代不同,而且是最佳的棒球戲劇片。電影片末,當古柏發表「世上最幸運的人」的演說時,你會情不自禁地流下淚來。真正的洋基球員 Babe Ruth 和 Bill Dickey 的客串,為本片加分不少。
參見:The Pride of the Yankees - 洋基之光、Always - From "The Pride of the Yankees"
6. The Bad News Bears (1976) - 少棒闖天下
最佳的純棒球喜劇片,這部電影讓大家回想起,少棒是什麼樣子的。華特.馬殊和泰妲.歐尼爾完美地詮釋,而其他毒舌的小朋友們也配合得天衣無縫。別因那些試著想模仿本片的不好笑續集,包括 "The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training" 和 Tony Curtis 主演的 "The Bad News Bears Go to Japan",而討厭這部電影。
7. The Natural (1984) - 天生好手
又是一部意見兩極的電影。這是以一部以感性的觀點,來看待一名長打好手和棒球的電影。本片根據 Bernard Malamud 的小說改編,有著以勞伯瑞福領銜的堅強演員陣容。浪漫的棒球迷愛它,視其為神話,而世故的棒球迷,則說本片過譽且太過一廂情願。無論如何,這是一部討喜而且影響深遠的電影。
8. A League of Their Own (1992) - 紅粉聯盟
這部電影,女人爭的是權利,而不僅是場上的比賽,而這些女人都已是合格的棒球員了,或許只有 Lori Petty 例外。這部電影,同時也讓一段被遺忘的棒球歷史,重新獲得關注,而且那句成為流行用語的台詞 "There's no crying in baseball",也為本片額外加分。
9. The Sandlot (1993) - 沙地傳奇
這應該是名單中最沒名氣的電影,但截至目前為止,所有在《少棒闖天下》之後的孩童棒球電影當中,本片是最為迷人的了。除了 James Earl Jones 之外,一群沒沒無聞的演員,一同將鄰家孩子們一起玩球的感覺,創造成深刻的回憶。
10. Major League (1989) - 大聯盟
參見:Most of All You - Love Theme from "Major League"
再來看一份排名,這是 Starpulse 網站的排名,發表時間是 2009 年 10 月 9 日。這個網站是什麼,或有多權威,我也不清楚,我是用 Google 搜尋,在第一頁次就看到的資料。放在這裡,是因為這份名單所入選的電影,和上面 Baseball American 的 10 部片子,竟然完全一樣,差別只在於名次的小變化而已。原文請見:The Best Baseball Movies Ever。 這裡我就不翻譯了。
1. Bull Durham (1988) - 百萬金臂
Many film critics consider this film to be one of the greatest sports movies of all-time. This film has an amazing cast with Kevin Costner playing a veteran catcher who mentors a rookie minor league pitcher played by Tim Robbins and aids him on becoming a great pitcher. Susan Sarandon plays a baseball groupie who is attracted to both of the male characters. Sarandon's characters also plays a pivotal role in helping the minor league pitcher reach the big leagues. Couples and baseball fans will love this movie because it's a romantic baseball movie that depicts the hard work and dedication that it takes for minor league players to advance to the professional level.
2. Field of Dreams (1989) - 夢幻成真
"If you build it, HE will come." Who can forget that memorable line from this classic baseball movie. If you thought Kevin Costner was brilliant in his role in Bull Durham, then you'll love his role in this film as he delivers one of his best acting performances. In the film, Costner's character is a farmer who is instructed by spirits of legendary baseball players to build a baseball field on his cornfield. This film was nominated for a number of Academy awards and includes a great cast of Costner, Ray Liotta, Amy Madigan, and James Earl Jones. If you buy this film on Blu-ray, YOU will enjoy it.
3. The Natural (1984) - 天生好手
This film is based on a 1952 book by the same name. It stars Robert Redford who plays a baseball prodigy making a successful comeback in professional baseball after being injured in a shooting sixteen years ago. Redford's character Roy Hobbs ignores blackmail, bribes, and gunshots to fulfill his pride and play the game he's loved since he was a child. The most memorable moment in this film is the dramatic ending when Hobbs hits a towering home run that smashes into the lights above the field.
4. The Pride of the Yankees (1942) - 洋基之光
This sad black & white biopic stars Gary Cooper who plays legendary first baseman Lou Gehrig. It chronicles the life of Lou Gehrig from a boy to a great player for the New York Yankees to his diagnosis of ALS ("Lou Gehrig's Disease") to his farewell retirement speech. The scene when Gehrig visits a hospital and promises a sick boy that he'll hit two home runs in a World Series game and fulfills that promise is a scene that you'll never forget.
參見:The Pride of the Yankees - 洋基之光、Always - From "The Pride of the Yankees"
5. Major League (1989) - 大聯盟
One of the funniest sports films ever. Major League starred Charlie Sheen, Wesley Snipes, and Rene Russo who all went on to have successful television and film careers. The premise of this film is a former exotic dancer inherits the Cleveland Indians but wants to move them to Miami. In order to do this, she has to lower the stadium attendance so the City will void the team's lease. So, she creates the worst team possible by hiring washed up players. But this plan backfires on her when those washed up players find the fountain of youth and become one of the best teams in the major league. If you like sports and comedy, this film is for you.
6. Eight Men Out (1988) - 陰謀密戰
Eight Men Out is based on the infamous 1919 Black Sox scandal. Eight players from the Chicago White Sox fixed a scheme with gamblers to throw away the possibility of the team winning a World Series title. If you want to know more about the Black Sox scandal, this film gives you some insight.
7. A League of Their Own (1992) - 紅粉聯盟
Madonna delivers her best acting performance in this film. In the film, she plays a baseball player named Mae Mordabito who plays in a Women's Professional Baseball League that seeks the same attention as the Male Professional League. The film revolves around the team Rockford Peaches managed by a drunk manager played by Tom Hanks. Rosie O'Donnell and Geena Davis are also in this film. Guys will love the scene where Geena Davis' character does a split while catching a popped up ball behind home plate.
8. The Bad News Bears (1976) - 少棒闖天下
One of the most popular sports movies ever. The 2005 remake with Billy Bob Thornton will never compare to this original. Walter Matthau is funny in his role as an alcoholic coach who coaches a little league team with misfits and bad players. Tatum O'Neal steals the show when she's added to the team as a pitcher and leads them all the way to the championship game where they lose. The theme of Bad News Bear is winning isn't everything.
9. The Sandlot (1993) - 沙地傳奇
Even though Sandlot was a kid film, adults can relate to childhood memories of having fun with your friends at the playground. This film has one of the funniest scenes you will ever see - when a ferocious dog jumps over the sandlot fence and chases the kids around the neighborhood.
10. Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) - 戰鼓輕敲
An underrated baseball movie starring Robert De Niro in the role of a catcher who is diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease and conceals it from his teammates, except his roommate and best friend Henry Wiggen. A sad film like The Pride of the Yankees. Like most of his films, De Niro does an excellent job in the role.
我把網誌裡寫過的相關文章連結,放在這些電影的介紹欄裡。這些排行榜會成為我的 checklist,以後只要一有新寫的文章,就會加到所屬的欄位裡。希望不久的將來,我的文章能填滿這些榜單。
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